Mike and Barb have raised their three children in this charming house, and now will have their first 15 months old granddaughter visit them regularly on the farm.
Occasionally, Mike works for a company disassembling and fixing log houses and cabins.
"When this house was all ready to go to the new location, the customer had changed his mind. They said it was too rustic looking and chose another house. So this one was donated to us", Mike said.
"Anathoth Community Farm" was started in 1986 with the purchase of 57 acres of land. Mike and Barb had raised the money for the land by asking for donations from friends and co-workers from all over the country. Being activists in peace movement and working for Catholic Charity Organizations, they knew a lot of people who believed in their ability to establish and successfully run a community, that would reflect their views and passions.
"We sent out letters and asked for $100 donations. In six weeks or so, we had $20,000 to buy the land".
Mike and Barb practice voluntary poverty. Both of them have part time jobs, making as less money as possible. The idea is not to support the government wars with the taxes. Mike works as a part time school bus driver and a substitute teacher. Barb is a social worker, a guardian for 3 elderly women, and is a board member for foster care placements in the county. Together with Mike they do cooking classes for elderly, day and summer camps for kids, fund raising fairs and other events. They are very creative in finding ways to make money.
It might sound odd for some people, but you really have to meet and spend time with both of them, to understand what they do and why they do it. They are not only actively involved in a local community, but are long time global activists.
When we were not even born, Mike and Barb had been whole heartily involved in protesting against cold war and nuclear threat in times of president Reagan. A lot of trips abroad to the conflict zones (Gaza and Palestine, meeting with Yasser Arafat, peace missions in Iraq during the time of sanctions), few arrests and imprisonment in the US, rallies and peace tours through out the country, and there was not enough time to hear all the stories that Mike and Bard had to tell.
Another members in the community are Bonnie and John, the stuff members of "Nuke Watch", a non profit organization. They have devoted their whole lives to raising awareness in people about nuclear dangers. They are celebrating 30 years anniversary of fighting for a nuclear free world and their efforts in following nuclear waste are outstanding. http://www.nukewatch.com/
Leah, is a newer member in the community, and will probably build a house for herself. She is currently living in a gorgeous straw bale house that we had a tour of. She is a herbalist by profession and an activist in heart.
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